Grants & Resources
Explore a variety of funding opportunities and essential tools designed to support your initiatives. Whether you’re seeking grants for projects or resources to enhance your work, this page provides valuable information to help you succeed.

Grassroots organizations heavily rely on consistent funding. CACC has compiled a comprehensive list of available funding opportunities along with their respective deadlines. This initiative aims to ensure that organizations are well-informed and can efficiently apply for funding in a timely manner.

Canada Summer Jobs
Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) provides wage subsidies to employers to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years.
Intersectional Capacity Development Stream
This funding opportunity will fund projects that support the increase of capacity of national disability organizations and their partners to address intersectional barriers that impact inclusion of persons with disabilities.
Up to $700,000 for a project that is up to 24 months in duration
- Accepting applications until December 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Social Development and Community Building
This stream provides funding to youth-serving organizations to deliver supports by redistributing one-time cash payments to youth participants across Canada.
Up to $3,000,000 per year
- Accepting applications until December 19, 2023 at 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)
This funding opportunity aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities. It will fund projects that create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to take part in community activities, programs and services, and access employment.
$500,000 to $3,000,000 per project
- Accepting applications until December 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Social Development and Community Building, Workplace conditions and workplace relations
This grant provides funding of ongoing core operations for non-profit organizations that address social issues.
Applications are now only accepted through our secure online application portal called Front Office. See the updated application process below.
Important dates
Annual application deadlines:
- January 30 – Front Office application portal will open on October 30.
- July 15 – Front Office application portal will open on April 15.
Community Facility Enhancement Program
Financial assistance to upgrade, expand, purchase or build public-use community facilities.
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
CFEP has 2 funding streams:
- Small Funding Stream
- Large Funding Stream
CFEP Small Funding Stream
Annual application deadlines
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15
This program provides funding to new community-based programs, initiatives, events and publications.
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:
- new programs
- enhancement to an existing program
- community events
- gender equity projects
- technology
- portable equipment
Important dates
Annual application intake deadlines
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15
Cultural Heritage Initiatives Program
This grant supports non-profit organizations to preserve and share the cultural heritage of Indigenous and ethnocultural communities.
Since its founding in 1905, Alberta has been home to diverse ethnicities, languages and traditions. The Cultural Heritage Initiatives Program (CHIP) is meant to increase community and public access to this history by helping non-profit organizations document and showcase Indigenous and ethnocultural communities’ cultural heritage with an emphasis on historically underrepresented parts of Alberta’s story.
This grant program provides up to $25,000 to eligible organizations to enable the sharing of stories through the documentation, collection, or digitization of content. It will enable communities to showcase oral histories, traditions and stories of significance.
Capacity Building Fund Emerging Social Issues
The Capacity Building Fund is available to eligible non-profit organizations for one-time projects to strengthen their organizational effectiveness, increase their programs’ impact, and address emerging social issues and trends that are impacting Calgarians.
This fund focuses on two categories:
Emerging Social Issues for sector-wide projects
Organizational Effectiveness for projects that strengthen organizations.
Please note that each category has its own section on the Call for Funding Proposals webpage. This section is for Emerging Social Issues.
Application period
Applications will be accepted from all eligible applicants through the Funding Information Management System (FIMS) from Wednesday, November 1, 2023 to Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 11:59 pm
Capacity Building Fund – Organizational Effectiveness
The Capacity Building Fund is available to eligible non-profit organizations for one-time projects to strengthen their organizational effectiveness, increase their programs’ impact, and address emerging social issues and trends that are impacting Calgarians.
This fund focuses on two categories:
- Emerging Social Issues for sector-wide projects
- Organizational Effectiveness for projects that strengthen organizations.
Please note that each category has its own section on the Call for Funding Proposals webpage. This section is for Emerging Social Issues.
Application period:
Applications will be accepted from all eligible applicants through the Funding Information Management System (FIMS) from Wednesday, November 1, 2023 to Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 11:59 pm
Canadian Race Relations Foundation. | $2,500-$125,000
Event and Youth Initiative Grants
Organizations should apply for a NARF Event and Youth Initiative Grant if they plan to host initiatives aligned with one or more of the key themes and objectives listed below and designed to achieve one or more of the expected results.
Events are community-based, planned public, social, and/or learning occasions and activities relating to the themes and objectives of the National Anti-Racism Fund. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.
Youth Initiatives are projects that are youth-led or focused on youth. Youth are defined as persons below the age of 30. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.
B.I.G. – Black Ideas Grant: Bridge and Build from Foundation for Black Communities
Applications open on December 18, 2023 and will close on February 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM PT.
Black Ideas Grant: Bridge and Build 2023—a pivotal investment geared towards propelling solution-oriented initiatives led by Canada’s Black communities. This substantial $8.9 million investment is not only B.I.G, but also a strategic initiative, a catalyst for immediate impact, and a reservoir of insights crucial for future transformative programs.
- Core Stream | Up to $40,000
Core and operational needs unrelated to programming
Eligible organizations and groups can apply for up to $40,000 to address core funding needs - Catapult Stream | $40,000 to $100,000
Eligible organizations and groups can apply for $40,000 to $100,000 to explore new or existing approaches to improving socio-economic well-being in Black communities, including the research, design, piloting, and evaluation of initiatives. - Community Capital Stream | up to $250,000
Eligible organizations and groups with bold and big ideas that advance the social and economic infrastructure of Black communities. Organizations can apply for up to $250,000 to scale programs, services, or commercialization initiatives.